The reading is tailored to your needs.
There are many forms of divination I can use that naturally flow with
psychic energy.
Tarot-Ribbons-Flowers-Psychometry-Photos-Handwriting-Crystals -Colours
Are some of the tools we may choose to use.
This day is about learning to focus on connecting to your inner knowledge.
We hold the answers within ourselves.
By becoming still and with the guidance of me teaching you to trust what you are receiving, you will be amazed at the results. On this day you will gain the confidence to be able to read for yourself and others.
10am -4pm
Originated in Japan, it is a spiritually based idea that we all have an unseen life force energy that flows through our bodies. By placing hands over a persons body and allowing that life force energy to flow it can create balance back into that person, helping conditions such as anxiety-depression and pain management.
45 mins
Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |